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  • XI Conferência de Engenharia Naval
    XI Conferência de Engenharia Naval
    segunda, 19/02
    The Conference is an event that brings together Naval Engineering Students with professionals from different areas, in order to educate them about professional opportunities and market innovations.
  • Dinner - The Last Sail
    Dinner - The Last Sail
    quarta, 07/06
    With the school year coming to and end, enjoy this opportunity to say goodbye to your colleagues with a meal!
  • IX Regata
    IX Regata
    quarta, 31/05
    A IX Regata é uma excelente oportunidade para aprenderes a velejar, te aproximares do mar e te divertires. Será no Clube Náutico de Almada às 10h.
  • Assembleia Geral 2023
    Assembleia Geral 2023
    sexta, 26/05
    Ordem de Trabalhos: - Apresentação do Relatório e Contas - Apresentação do Relatório das Atividades - Propostas de Atividades - Apresentação dos novos membros da direção
  • IST Summer Internships
    IST Summer Internships
    segunda, 22/05
    Local a ser definido
    The summer internships is a great opportunity to connect to the profissional world and gain experience! In the Naval Architecture field there are several companies available: - shipyards: Estaleiros Navais de Peniche (ENP), Naval Tagus, West Sea, Trimarine; - offices: Vera Navis, TecnoVeritas.
  • Pre Order of MERCH
    Pre Order of MERCH
    domingo, 21/05
    This year we will have, once more, our sweats and t-shirts and for the first time we will have new designs!! These are limited edition designs, for just this year!
  • Naval Dinner
    Naval Dinner
    quinta, 09/03
    To start the 2nd semester in the best way, NAEN organized a Course Dinner! We count on your presence on the 9th of March at 8:30 pm, at Restaurante Tatu. Registration is done until Wednesday!
  • WorkShop Rhinoceros 7
    WorkShop Rhinoceros 7
    terça, 28/02
    iStart Lab
    Será uma sessão para INICIANTES onde serão demonstrados comandos base de Rhino e como trabalhar em 2D e 3D.
  • X Conferência de Engenharia Naval
    X Conferência de Engenharia Naval
    terça, 28/02
    Anfiteatro Abreu Faro
    The Conference is an event that brings together Naval Engineering Students with professionals from different areas, in order to educate them about professional opportunities and market innovations.
  • Christmas Dinner
    Christmas Dinner
    quinta, 15/12
    The Christmas Dinner of this year will be Thursday, December 15th at 8:30pm in the restaurant “Tatu”!
  • Principle Power Visit
    Principle Power Visit
    quinta, 24/11
    The visit will be to the office spaces of Principle Power, is free and starts at 10h30 am, with a duration of approximately 1h30min.
  • Naval Dinner
    Naval Dinner
    quinta, 29/09
    The 1st naval dinner of this year, it will be Thursday, September 29th at 8pm in the restaurant “Cinderela”!
  • Welcome Aboard!
    Welcome Aboard!
    quarta, 14/09
    NAEN will be pleased to welcome you on Wednesday, September 14th at Feira dos Núcleos!
  • VIII Regata
    VIII Regata
    quarta, 15/06
    The anual regatta of NAEN is back! Come alone or with a team to sail in the river Tejo Exclusive for members!
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